Don’t Breathe

A Horror/Thriller Movie Review

Don’t Breathe
Platform: Tubi
Genre: Horror/Thriller

“Don’t Breathe” is a horror/thriller movie that I recently watched on Tubi, and wow, what a ride it was! This film takes the concept of a heist and turns it into a creepy, heart-pounding thriller. The story revolves around a group of teenagers who break into the house of a blind veteran, lured by the rumor that he has a million dollars hidden somewhere in a safe.

The blind man, played to perfection, is as terrifying as any monster you’d see in a typical horror movie. His blindness doesn’t hinder him; instead, he uses it to his advantage, hunting the intruders through sound. Even the faintest noise, like a cell phone vibration, can attract his attention. Adding to the tension is his gigantic Rottweiler, which creates another layer of danger for the burglars.

The movie maintains a high level of suspense throughout, and the stakes feel incredibly real. Not a single burglar makes it out alive, with the last remaining girl nearly escaping before being caught by the dog and dragged back to the blind man’s lair. This relentless pace and constant tension make “Don’t Breathe” a gripping and gory experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Overall, “Don’t Breathe” is an interesting and intense ride, filled with unexpected twists and a unique take on the horror genre. It’s definitely worth a watch if you’re into thrillers that keep you thinking and guessing until the very end.

My Rating: 8/10

Experience the heart-pounding tension of “Don’t Breathe” on Tubi. This horror/thriller will keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat with its unique and gripping storyline. 🎥😱

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Published by flosnazey

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